Quietly working on my Bomb Maker

Strange title, isn’t? I don’t actually make bombs :) although during the last war, a lot of people probably thought i did. In my KDE days, i used to make a lot of use of an applet called KTeaTime(http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdetoys/kteatime/introduction.html#whats-kteatime). Its a nice little applet that tells you when your tea is ready after you select what type of tea you want. So if you select extra black tea for example, it will remind you that your tea is done after 10 mins for example.
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Working with Hadoop: My first MapReduce App

Update: I removed the source code from the blog post. You can now find it on my github account. Most Hadoop tutorials use the wordcount application as a demo application. And while this might be a good demo application, it is not particularly helpful. So i wanted to think of an idea for a more useful application to use on a cluster. My first thought was trying to implement the famous Sieve of Eratosthenes.
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Working with Hadoop

My last twitter was “Its after midnight and i just finished my first MapReduce application. Next up, blogging about it.” Well now its time to blog about it. And share some code…won’t that be fun? So I’ve always wanted to do some distributed programming or parallel programming(technically not the same, but aim at solving similar problems), but the barrier of entry was always too high and the learning curve a bit steep.
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On getting Ruby-fied and its aftereffects

As a follow-up on I am getting Ruby-fied, Ruby’s not ready - glyphobet • ???????? • ???????? does a much better job at going over Ruby’s faults. Ruby on Rails is not discussed except to say that it and Pylons are very similar, but i tend to agree that a lot of the different web frameworks out there are quite similar because they all include what is needed of a modern framework.
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On Adobe Flex and dynamic websites

I still get a lot of searches and hits on my “Mytube” page as well as some inquires by mail…which tells me two things. One is that people still do not fully understand how to fully use flex and the other is that RIAs are pretty popular these days. To help people who come searching for this, let me shine some light on the matter. I’ll do so in the form of bullet points to speed up the process.
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