Book Review: Banat Al-Riyad
Warning: This book is in Arabic.
This book tells the story of 4 girls, and their struggle in the Saudi society. Lamis, Komra, Michelle, and Sadim are 4 friends each from a different background and with a different personality but they all share a common struggle within the highly conservative Saudi society.
The kind of struggle that i am talking about is the simple “live your life as you see fit” experience that people who live in a western culture often take for granted.
Book Review: From Program To Product
Two years ago, I learned that you can be a brilliant programmer and write awesome code but if your code doesn’t help solve some problem or doesn’t ease someone’s pain, then you’re not really doing your part.
This is exactly the lesson that this book tries to drive home. It goes through the different aspects of creating a product from the programming and support to the licensing and legal side. The book also includes several interviews with people who have already done that.
Book Review: Leaving Microsoft to Change the World
A few months ago, i bought the book Leaving MicroSoft to Change the Worldand on a flu episode with a fever that lasted two days, i got to finish it.
Now, i read a lot of books. And over time, i got to quickly notice good books from bad books. And ever more, i get to know great books from “books you buy to balance your shelf” books. I try to buy only good books and strive to get all the great ones.